Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hypocrisy knows no bounds.

The leftist media are like a school of Piranha. They see the flesh of the Bush administration and they shred it in a feeding frenzy. Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot his hunting partner. He finally decides to talk to the media. He chooses to be interviewed by Fox News’ Brit Hume. What does the left do? They cry fowl! “Of course the Vice President would choose Fox News. They are sympathetic to the Republicans! For Shame!!!” The crybabies at CNN are mad that Cheney chose Hume, and they take an immediate political stance on the matter. Think back a few years to the Clinton administration. Had something like this happened to Vice President Al Gore(not that he’d ever go hunting, but something similar), and he chose to be interviewed by CNN’s Paula Zahn, would Fox News go to such great lengths to moan and wail that Gore’s choice of interview was to cushion his fall? Would the Media Right be allowed to get away with such a thing? NO! The Liberal Media would have a field day, saying we’re hypocritical, and just plain crybabies. They’d have at least 2 days worth of headlines saying so. Yet, here we have CNN reporters like Jack Cafferty saying the Vice President is “seeking safe haven”. What a joke. But no one will call the left wing media on this. It’s common knowledge that the Democrats and liberals rely on CNN to tell them what they want to hear. But they don’t like to be told this. They think CNN is neutral and Fox News is nothing but a Right wing sympathizer. Sad.


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