Box Office Projection
Box Office Mojo
The domestic totals for Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith as of Tuesday, June 28th are at around 360 Million. They are projecting that it will be near 400 Million by the end of its run. The foreign box office is slightly higher, but only slightly.
That is, until it opens in Japan.
The Japanese will get their chance on July 9.
Watch the grosses shoot WAAAAAAY up!!! Japan is mega big on Star Wars, and this being the final film in the saga, the box office will be supernatural. I predict that Japan alone will nearly double Episode III's foreign box office. Now that's quite a tall order, you say. And you'd be right, but I am confident that Japan will go NUTS for this movie!!!
Just you watch.
SWIII could have, should have been a movie that meant more than great box office.
I won't rehash my SWIII disappointment factor. But I do think standards should have been a lot higher considering this movie's linage. That is an argument George Lucas or SW fans cannot win.
I agree, that there is absolutely NO WAY the prequels could even come CLOSE to the perfection that is the Holy Trilogy.
However, compared to many movies, ROTS excels by leaps and bounds. Especially if their name is Blade.
Actually I was wrong...
The Japanese take didn't do nearly as much as I wanted it to, but hey, according to Box Office Mojo, it DID take more than any other foreign box office did!! So I was mostly right!!
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