Friday, July 09, 2004

Getting all "touchy-feely"

The Democratic Ticket: John Kerry/John Edwards is in full swing, hurling their insults and jabs at the Bush Presidency, hoping to swing voters to their side. I think it is funny that a man who marries into millions and a man who siphons millions from Doctors are trying to get "the average American" to vote for them. Heaven forbid you are part of a minority, because here you have two very rich white men saying they care for you and want you to succeed, but what would make you trust these hypocrites? They gloss themselves over to get elected (common practice during campaign time), and hope you let them take care of you, because if you ever took advantage of the opportunities here in America and earn your own living, they would have no power. They want you to believe that only the government can help you survive and that they are the answer to every problem this Country has.
Enough talk. Let's get to the important stuff. Here is a link to a really funny flash animation. It shows the "steamy underbelly" of the new Presidential hopefuls.
Let's get it on...

Kerry/Edwards (Only Publicity?)


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