Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Pride goeth before destruction

The cojones on this guy are massive. Not just physically. This guy is so high and mighty that his eventual fall will be so hard he will shatter into a million pieces. Here at this link he writes an open letter to President Bush inviting him to a screening of his movie in Crawford, Texas, where the movie has not yet played. He seems to think that this is a bad thing, that his movie is not being given a chance, yet Crawford Texas is so small a town that a "documentary" is most likely not ever going to be given a chance, let alone a big summer blockbuster. He taunts President Bush and pokes fun at him, just like he did in his tripe of a movie. I can't stand the ego and "I'm so right" malicious attitude this guy projects. I just can't wait to vote this November. I hope to God that Mr. Bush is re-elected. Michael Moore and John Kerry have made this decision so very easy to make.


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