Thursday, September 23, 2004

At it again.

So here I am watching Fox News' coverage of John Kerry's remarks about the war in Iraq and the Iraqi Prime Minister's remarks made to Congress recently, and once again, Kerry has nothing more to do than criticize and whine and cry and piss and moan and not present a real agenda. He quips that America's military deserves a better leader, yet he expects the troops to support him? I am quite sure a lot of them don't even respect him, let alone want him to be their Commander In Chief. You know, it does things to the military community when you go before Congress and essentially turn your back on your fellow soldiers and undermine all they worked to accomplish. They don't forget, and these stories are passed down through military families. The brave men and women who dedicate themselves to protecting and serving their Country, essentially giving up their lives for the good of the land they love, deserve the best possible leadership and President George W. Bush has done all in his power to support those who protect their Country. Kerry has been in politics ever since he left the military and has had more than a little time to make his mark in the workings of this Country, yet after all that time, he has mainly flip flopped on many issues and has nothing substantial to support his reason to be the leader of America. Plus he has married into wealth and become all high and mighty, the perfect cantidate to represent the Democrats, the supposed party of the underpriveleged. Any reason why the majority of rich members of American Government are Democrats? I wonder...


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