Thursday, September 16, 2004

Dream Dream Dream

One of my dreams last night is still in my mind. Usually they disappear when I wake, or stay behind only a few minutes, then my memory of them is wiped clean. This dream was quite odd, and was in color. There was a large white slide, in the middle of a small lake. It must have been 30 feet tall. I was in the middle of it, obviously not sliding down, but merely observing. There was a platform at the top of the slide, where at least 4 old ladies stood. I recognized two of them as workers in a previous job I had. One by one, they left the platform. One of them trotted down the slide, nearly losing her footing on the side rail, toppling over, but making it safely to the ground. There were a couple more people on the ground to help her up. The other three women stepped off the side one by one, plunging into the lake. It was deep blue, and completely still. As they dropped into the water, they were in an upright position, diving in feet first. Their dives were perfect, and no one was injured. Imagine how tense it felt to see three old ladies willingly dive into a lake from thirty feet up! I don't know why I dreamed it, don't know why I recognized two of them, don't know why there was a large slide in a still, deep blue lake that old ladies were jumping from.

Strange things dreams can be.

If you have a dream you remember, post it in a comment. I would love to hear it.


At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh you haven't heard of weird dreams till you hear mine! I have crazy dreams every night and I can remember them. I usually have at least 2 or 3 vivid dreams and they are always in color. They usually seem real and when I wake up I am sometimes confused as to if it really happened or not. One dream I will mention that I always have is I am looking in the mirror and my teeth start falling out...or they start crumbling and breaking and I start crying. I wake up and usually go check the mirror as see if my teeth are still there. That is just one of the millions of dreams I have had.

The Newlywed

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

I have had similar dreams. My teeth crumble and fall out. Haven't had one of those dreams in years, though.


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