Friday, September 24, 2004

Bloody thieves

I despise thieves. Low class punks who care nothing for the people they take from. They don't realize that the trouble they cause is most often to those who are in the same rut that they are in. I find out not 5 minutes ago, that one of my sisters lost another car to thieves. ANOTHER CAR!!! That's TWO CARS! At the same apartment complex!! I would not be surprised at all if it were the exact same thieves responsible for stealing and stripping the first car. My sister and her husband are very hard workers, and don't deserve to have to deal with losing TWO very important possessions required for daily life. With their first baby on the way, the repugnance of this event is made all the more cruel by the fact that these worthless thieves are taking away a much needed thing from a small family who deserve everything in the world. The saying goes bad things happen to good people. The person who coined that phrase didn't mean for it to be absolute.

My idea of punishment for this crime is, if they catch the thieves responsible, they should get a minimum of 5 years in jail, along with the purchase of a car to replace the one they stole. If they cannot afford this, they should work in prison and earn the money, with no chance of release until they repay the debt. Also, they should be put on a list of known thieves so not only can those around them know of their past crimes, but they themselves will always be reminded of the pain they cause their victims. Unfortunately, the society we live in is making it more easy to get away with crimes. One explanation: the removal of morality from school. Too many kids grow up not having to think about the consequences of their actions, so they feel no shame in doing whatever they want. How much you wanna' bet the kid who stole this car is possibly not even out of high school, looking for a quick buck, thinking they are oblivious to the law. Heaven forbid he should ever meet me in a dark alley.


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