Thursday, October 07, 2004

Advice from Überslacker Oberst

Gotta love Michael Moore. I just love the audacity of this fellow. His response to some recent allegations is laughable, typical liberal rhetoric at its best. In this article he responds by saying "It's ironic that Republicans have no problem with allowing assault weapons out on our streets, yet they don't want to put clean underwear in the hands of our slacker youth. The Republicans seem more interested in locking me up for trying to encourage people to participate in our democracy than locking up bin Laden for his attacks on our democracy."

Let's dissect this bit of drollery, shall we? Republicans charged that when Michael Moore offered slackers clean underwear, housecleanings, and food in exchange to go out and vote, he was trying to bribe potential voters. Obviously, the Republicans are trying to get him in trouble, in return for his constant slandering of the their reputation. Moore retorts by touting that the Republicans are more concerned with putting weapons into the hands of Americans rather than clothing them and caring for them. This is ludicrous and a pathetic attempt to paint the wrong picture of the Republicans. Next, he says that in essence, the Republicans are more concerned with locking him up, rather than Bin Laden. What could be more nonsensical? The very first thing the Republicans want to do is claim a victory in the war on terror by capturing the turd of humanity, Bin Laden. Do you really think they care more about silencing a turd like Moore? You wish you were that important! If America were to finally capture Bin Laden, much of the flak taken by the Republicans for their handling of the war on terror would fade away. Sorry Michael, but your response does not hold water. Trust me, there are countless things on the Republican agenda that are much more important than you. Doesn't surprise me that you can't come up with a better riposte.


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