Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A website full of Chicken-Littles

You won't believe some of the responses to this bit of childish wailing. The Democratic Underground is so far underground right now they've struck lava. They think the world is coming to an end. They think the election has been stolen again. They think Bush is Hitler incarnate. It is truly unbelieveable. Some of them don't even want to call themselves American. If that's the case, leave the country. Go live somewhere else. You'll be back. And if you don't ever return, don't worry. You won't be missed.
One particular response pretty much summarizes the liberal way of thinking: vote Democrat, or else you are a bastard and are stupid. Bush won the popular vote by more than ANY OTHER CANDIDATE IN HISTORY! That must say something for the whole of America. The majority of the citizens of this great Country want Bush to stay in office. So therefore, we must all be stupid, no? Folks at want you to believe so. Truly pathetic. I can't deny that this was still a very close election. But the facts remain. The people have spoken. 4 MORE YEARS!!!!

Awwww, boo hoo!


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