Monday, January 10, 2005

The People's Choice?

So it happens the other night: Michael Moore wins the People's Choice award for favorite movie.

He creates a movie with such vile and utter contempt for our Nation's President, and he is rewarded for it? I find it rather funny that, had anyone...ANYONE in Iraq even attemted to create something even remotely similar to this film, criticizing Hussein, Saddam would have allowed his torture squads to beat this person senseless, using all forms of inhumane torture; which the liberal left shuns with all their hatred; kill his family and finally him. But I guess, Moore was right to think that Iraq was just a peaceful country where the children played in the morning light and all was hunky dorey, until us evil Americans showed up.

The liberal elite who shower Moore with praise are blind to the true events of the world. They think they are compassionate, and care about all peoples of the world, yet they fail to see the true evil Saddam and his regime bestowed upon the good people of Iraq all those years. All they need is for Moore, or some other liberal conspiracy theorist to create a film blaming Bush for the tsunami and the devastation along the Asian coast, and they'll have another film to honor. And more ego to gain.


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