Monday, February 28, 2005

A Case for Chiropractic

Tired of paying the high costs of drugs and medicines? Tired of living with the after effects and numerous downsides associated with drug perscriptions? Why not turn to Gonstead Chiropractic?

The cost of one Gonstead appointment is 1/3 the cost of a single drug perscription, without ANY of the harmful side effects. No Gonstead Chiropractor will ever have to give you a laundry list of possible side effects from his adjustment. So many times did I see a person walk out of Sam's Club with a $100 bottle of prescription drugs, it angered me. It only costs about $150 for the necessary X-Rays you get with your first Chiropractic appointment and subsequent adjustments only cost around $35. Gonstead Chiropractic is very simple. The human body has an innate and incredible ability to heal itself, yet when nerve interferences block the system, and it doesn't function as it should, we become less able to heal, and problems occur. A Gonstead Chiropractor uses a simple device to locate the interferences or "Subluxations" along the spine, then uses movement to determine how the nerve is being blocked, and uses a quick, precise adjustment to correct the vertebra's position. This only takes a matter of minutes, and allows the nervous system to function properly, allowing the body to perform its healing actions without complications.

I know what you're saying. "But my back doesn't hurt, my problem is acid reflux. Why should I get my back adjusted?"
Simple. Every function of the human body is controlled by the nervous system. Proper spinal alignment is crucial for a healthy body. This goes for any ailment. Put it this way, if Gonstead Chiropractic can help a person plagued with Multiple Sclerosis, and it has, then it can certainly tackle any problem you may have!! Why not give it a try? All you have to lose are those high priced perscriptions and harmful side effects.

This article exposes some of the bad business associated with the pharmacutical community. It is an insightful read.


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