Thursday, February 03, 2005

In Transit

Kodiak shall move north!

Much closer to work, that is. Preston Road is such a bother to drive anyway. This new location allows me to cut off at least two thirds' time of my current drive to work. That makes me one happy camper! No more stopping at every little light on Preston and waiting an obscene amount of time for all those invisible cars in the opposing lanes, no more screaming at all the slow pokes who always choose the lane I'm driving in, no more excessive wear and tear to my car, no more 45 minute drivetimes. Plus I get lighted tennis courts, resort-style pools, and a fitness center! Pazaah!!

Good thing I have 2 months to get packed up, 'cause it'll take me that long to get all my crap together! Gosh, I got a lotta crap.


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