Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Scientology Report

Anyone here into Scientology?
That wacky religion that has enraptured so many Hollywood stars?

Tom Cruise and John Travolta are just the tip of the iceberg.
Here's a short list of celebrities that have jumped on the crazy bandwagon:

The only good thing I'll say for Scientology is they oppose all drugs. Drugs are bad, mmkay?

Scientology was created for the express desire to make money. L. Ron Hubbard said that himself.
In the words of the great Jiminy Glick, Scientology is a religion where "you go into the desert and there's this ship somewhere, and then you sign a huge check, and if you don't, they'll kill you."

I'll bet Tom Cruise would love to have a frank and earthy discussion about this with me. Whadda ya say, Tom? Care to enlighten me?


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