Saturday, July 10, 2004

The Legend Of...**1/2

Just saw the new movie Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy, and I have to say I was not too impressed with it. It is very funny, no doubt, and has its great moments, but as a whole it just wasn't all that. I read the other day a review from someone at the website Ain't It Cool News that it was in the same league as Airplane!, Dr. Strangelove, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, etc. BLASPHEMY!!!!! This in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY is anywhere near these classics, and if you believe it is that good, please, for the good of the world and comedies everywhere, GET YOUR HEAD EXAMINED!!!! I'm not saying the movie isn't funny, but don't dare compare it to anything classic. Sure, this movie will have its heyday, but it will soon be forgotten. The period character that will be around for many years to come is Austin Powers, not Ron Burgundy.
During the end sequence, the narrator explains the future of each main character. He lets us know that the weather man, Brick Tamland(Killer name, BTW), who has the IQ of a brick, quite literally, and unless he is talking about the latest cold front or heat index is completely useless, is said to have gotten married, had lots of kids, and become a key advisor to President Bush.
HAR DEE HAR HAR! Ho Ho, that's rich. Wow, I just can't stop laughing. Wait! I'm not finished "holding my sides". Even a "truth" from a Michael Moore film is funnier than that!

I think I'll see Spider Man 2 again. After watching the first again recently, it makes the sequel that much better. Much less campy, better humor, better villian, better effects, etc.


At 11:57 AM, Blogger Kodiak said...

You are probably right, it is best to be a little tipsy at least before you venture into this movie. I am quite sure the reviewer from was more than a little tipsy when they saw it. You have to be in a good mood, too, because if you are having issues with anything at the moment, you will be much more critical of this film. In any case, please don't compare it to the classics!!


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