Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Here's the story - of a guy named Harry

The cover of the next Harry Potter book has just been released. Including the British adult version, which really means that the cover is just more sophisticated and not cartoony. It even hints just a little bit to the plot, which really floored me and got my speculative juices flowing. You can see them here. I feel a little weird saying this, but I am anticipating the release of this book more than the release of the final Star Wars movie! Blasphemy, I know. I never ever thought I'd say something so drastic about a book. Never in my entire life! I am not really an avid reader, and I pick and choose my books carefully, but this series has got me in the sleeper hold, and I can't wrangle up the energy to get out, nor do I want to.

You know, maybe if George did what all us Star Wars fans were truly wanting, make the prequels as interesting, engrossing, and timeless, then maybe I'd be more psyched about seeing the final movie. The initial impact was of course thrilling, but after you get past the sweet chocolatey outside, you have to deal with the gooey inside, and after the sugar high wore off, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. Lucas helped my mood a little with the release of the second prequel, but still there were a few sour spots that brought me down again. The skeptic in me is still nagging, so my anticipation levels are dwindling. After reading and re-reading the Harry Potter book series, Revenge of the Sith just doesn't hold a candle to little Harry Potter. Quite shocking considering I can pretty much quote all three original Star Wars movies in their entirety.

End rant.


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