Thursday, March 31, 2005

Terry Schindler / Schiavo R.I.P.

Such a sad story. This poor woman has been brain damaged and in a nearly vegetative state for 15 years, had her feeding tube removed twice before, once in 2003 for 6 days, and now this time, for more than 13 days. Slowly starved to death. Bitter feuds going on. Arguing over someone's life relentlessly. Michael Shiavo must be a cold-hearted jerk. I don't know all the details of the case, but the least he could do is let her parents have her body so she can be buried near them. It's hard enough they lost their daughter to 15 years of very little conciousness, but to have him go against every wish for their daughter is downright wrong. At least now she is not suffering. And NUTS to the neurologist who claims she was not suffering in her final days. There is no possible way you could know what she was feeling, or how "conscious" she was. Rest assured, her soul was suffering more than you could possibly know. I'm sure her physical being was also suffering. No matter how brain-damaged you are, your soul still resides in your body, and no amount of court appointed doctor rhetoric can suggest she was too brain-damaged to be alive. May her soul now rest in peace.


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