Saturday, July 09, 2005

Their true colors

I've never seen such irresponsibility on the part of a pro-choice group. Here they are basically telling young people to throw abstinence out the window! They call for you to spit in the face of responsibility and decency. They say to throw your hands up and shout "Screw abstinence!" Utterly deplorable. Not only is abstinence the only surefire way to prevent pregnancy, but it teaches steadfastness and above all, responsibility. I believe that there's a time for choice. There are always certain circumstances that may warrant an abortion, or the right to "choose" to terminate a pregnancy, but NEVER should these pro-choice groups call to throw abstinence out the window! That's a horrible thing to say! It represents their true colors, their true agenda. According to them, you should be able to have all the sex you want, and you should be able to do what you want with your body, consequence or no. If they truly wanted to be helpful to those in need, they'd present every possible bit of information to aid those who may seek direction.
If you look deeper into their website, you'll find that they are just a front for liberal Bush-haters and religious right bashers. We know their true agenda, their true colors. Screw abstinence? That should NEVER be a slogan used by ANY abortion rights group. Deplorable.

Thanks to Espella Humanzee for calling attention to it.


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

The tighter they grip what's left of their power base, the crazier they become.

The fireworks will come when the President nominates Supreme Court judges - looks like at least three.


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