Monday, July 11, 2005

You wish you were funny

So, have you all seen that new Saturn commercial? General Motors is currently offering their employee discount to the general public, because they're losing so much money right now, they have to make you think they're giving cars away. Likely story.

Anyhoo, the Saturn commercial starts with various people parusing the car lot, when suddenly, over the loudspeaker, an employee announces that the employee discount is now available, and people rush to their favorite car on the lot, yelling out "I got dibs!" and "We got dibs on this one!" and so on and so forth. Dibs dibs dibs, yeah we get it. Har-de-har-har. Ho, ho, that's rich. Yeah, I got dibs. Uh huh. OK, I'll stop razzing them. Needless to say, the commercial was a flat attempt at being clever. If you want a funny, clever commercial, think back to that Volkswagen ad back in 2001, where a man is eyeballing the car he wants, yet he sees a couple coming towards him, with the salesman holding out the key, and just when they reach the car, the man quickly licks the door handle and stands proudly with his arms folded, for he has now claimed this car for himself. The salesman and couple look dumbfounded. Now that guy's got dibs, and he didn't have to say a word. That's clever.


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