Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Tell Us How You Really Feel

Here we are again,

An English rock star expresses his extreme displeasure with President Bush.
How original.

Read all about it

Did anyone tell Jagger that humans aren't supposed to live past 150? He should pass the word to his mummified bandmates.


At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also feel that it is impolite to comment on other people's elections. I think it was quite right of him to refuse to release the song during an election year. However, I would hate to see you falling into the rather tacky little right wing habbit of personally attacking those who attack your politics.

He's not 150 years old, and as long as he has the impedus to continue to create, it is improper to say (or imply) that he should no longer be allowed to do so, because he is older. It's acutally descriminatory.


Happy Birthday tomorrow!


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Let get this straight, Anonymous, Lips Jagger shoots his mouth about a subject he knows nothing, about a President he knows nothing about, just to stay hip with the kiddos and Randomatia isn't supposed to be able to respond?

And what about this "Right wing tacky little habit" of ours? Jagger started the name calling fest as does most of the Left. If the Left argued from a position of strength they wouldn't need to resort to name calling, but of course, the facts are never on their side, nor the brain power (see Algore) so they call shrill names - then the Left accuses Conservatives of being nasty when they defend their core beliefs - just like you just did. Way to complete the liberal cliche!

It's obvious Jagger decided to pick this lyrical fight just to sell some concert tickets for the upcoming tour. He desperately wants to be relevant to the 17-35 demographic. The Stones have every right to tour and make music until their dentures fall out. But those guys spent their careers telling anybody who weren't cooler them that's "better to burn out than fade away".

Instead, we're treated to $500 concert prices, which the little guy can't afford. (Ironically, the Left cons those poor slobs all the time), So excuse us if a band filled with senior citizens, lead by a crippled rooster, lecturing the rest of us about politics kind of irritates us. Were not taking any crap off the Left anymore.

Here's what Jagger penned, ""You call yourself a Christian, I call you a hypocrite/ You call yourself a patriot. Well, I think your are full of sh*t!... How come you're so wrong, my sweet neo-con."

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...


At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, OK EP. The Rolling Stones can only sell concert tickets by disagreeing with your politics. Noone who disagrees with you *reallly* disagrees, they're just saying that for attention.

You are absolutely right. GWB isn't the worst president since U. Grant. Nope, we *should* be funding a foreign war instead of medicine for the elderly or education for our children. And the fact that gas prices soar out of all proportion to any difficulty in obtaining oil has nothing to do with poor management or being in any corporate pockets.

(Meanwhile Halliburton is being paid about $20 per meal to feed the troops hot dogs and corn bread. But that's no reason why Cheney shouldn't be the next president of the United States, because there is no conflict of interest there. Nope, nosir. No hypocracy, no nothin'.

You wanna talk about GBWs budget deficit? Probably not, you'd be embarrased.

So, I'll just close in the style that you prefer: If you are stupid enough to think you are better off now than you were 6 years ago, and to write that excessivly long piece of nonsense above, then perhaps you deserve to work until you are 75 with few or no cival liberties left. In a country that used to be free.

Hey, why not go home and take your wife's shoes away? She won't need them while she's pregnant in the kitchen, havin' babies that she's not allowed to say no to. And then after you've worked yourself to death trying to support her in a failing economy that only favors the ultra rich, she can go beg by the side of the road. Just like they do in Iraq, where women also have no rights, and the government only favored the ultra rich... oh wait, they're different, they called God by a different name. My bad.

And that's my rant for the day. Happy Birthday!


At 7:56 AM, Blogger Kodiak said...

Hey, thanks for the Birthday wishes! 8)

As for the debate, keep it goin', cause I want it to be worthy of CNN. Maybe they'll show my blog on the segment Inside the Blogs and drive traffic to my site! ;)

Just wanna warn you that Espella is from Connecticut, where Democrats are king, so he is well aware of the Left's stances, and he can throw Right-wing banter out there with the best of them. I therefore don't see any end to this debate.

As for the original post, I do acknowledge that Jagger is doing well in his old age, still able to create and perform music, but for him to write lyrics flat-out calling Bush a liar and a hypocrite, well he is smart enough to know that a rush of anger and a strong backlash will come from Bush's supporters, and rightly so. And no matter how you slice it, personal attacks will ALWAYS accompany political attacks, from ALL sides and ALL political parties. It's our human nature.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Anonymous, that was THE single worst worst comeback I have ever read. What an utterly silly person you are. You're like Monty Python silly. They let you out in public with those opinions? Are you twelve years old? Grow up and stop getting your news from MTV and Dave Matthews. Honestly, you're pulling stuff out off your butt that's so easy to prove wrong with a simple Google search.

P.S. The unemployment rate is at 5%, lower when Bill Clinton was in office, you dolt... and I am better off than I was when Clinton, The Creep in Chief, was in office. So's my family.

So good luck with all the anger and misinformation. You'll need it.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

Espella, please refrain from personally attacking the commenters. You are more than free to attack their comments, but no personal jabs. K? That's a good humanzee....

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Sorry. I coudn't think of a more apt description of her intellectual nonsense than dolt. Yes, I know it's a "woman". Gender is easy pick out when they carry on so.

If she has the nards to debate me then set it up. I'll burn her down.

Dolt: A stupid person; a dunce. Middle English dulte, from past participle of dullen, to dull, from dul, dull. See dull. (BTW. She called me stupid first. I quote, "If you are stupid enough to think you are better off... check the tape, Randomatia. ; )

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

War with Iraq:


At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...





p.s. - my body, my rights.

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excerpt Washington Post:

Gore arrived at Harvard with an impressive 1355 SAT score, 625 verbal and 730 math, compared with Bush's 1206 total from 566 verbal and 640 math.

But I don't think it comes as much of a surprise that GWB isn't very bright. Hell, even the dolt woman had better test scores than the shrub. 566 verbal... wow, that's positivly embarrasidocracy!

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are a few issues that I haven't bothered to address before I got bored of you. Please feel free to point them out (rather than pretend this in any way makes you right about any of them) and I'll google them up for you too.

P.S. for my non-insulting definition of you, I chose:

Meathead -adj.- dead from the neck up. n. - one who is so unfamiliar with concious thought that they give the outward impression of an inate inability to think or reason. Frequently typified by those who have always had their opinions read to them by their benifactors.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

I love how she dredges up links from leftist sites and then holds them as real "true facts". I won't even dignify then with a comment. But this is were the left fails. They believe there own paranoid BS.

As far as the CBO data she floats, the numbers are from January 05, and not current. The reason we have the deficit is the Clinton/Gore recession that started in March of 1999. Bush tax cuts brought us back. Increased spending of defense to keep the country safe from terror - Clinton/Gore cut defense back. Finally, some social spending on Medicare and Education which Bush signed off on.

The truth from real adults is as follows: "The U.S. budget deficit narrowed to $52.8 billion in July from a year earlier, as tax revenue surged on higher incomes and business profits.

The deficit compares with a shortfall of $69.2 billion in July 2004 and was the smallest for the month since 2002, the Treasury Department said Wednesday. Revenue rose 5.7 percent, to a July record of $142.1 billion, and spending fell 4.3 percent..." - Chicago Tribune (a real newspaper)http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-0508110047aug11,1,1640379.story?coll=chi-business-hed

Unemployment is at 5%, lower than when Clinton was in Office. Home ownership is at all time high for minorities. We have a burgeoning middle class and consumer confidence is up. Millions have been liberated in Iraq and Afghanistan, men, women, and tomorrow's promise, their children. The killing fields of those countries are closed because of GWBush and our military.

If things suck so much why do thousands cross America's borders everyday illegally? If things are so great in leftist countries, Germany and France for example, why is their unemployment so high? Why are their governments cutting back on social spending? If England is such a panacea, why is the Blair government getting ready to deport radical clerics who incite terror?

Let's talk SAT scores. John F. Kerry had a poorer record in college than GWBush. What does that say about the left's chosen one last year? Did they pick a retard? Obviously, he lost. Algore spent so much time taking credit for things he invented (didn't) I'm amazed that a Time Travel patent hasn't been issued to Algore. That way, all these 60's leftovers that plague us can return to their glory daze.

Algore is a good example of a man who was very stupid. Intelligence is not a sign of leadership. Never, ever, was nor should it be. The arrogant left, what a laugh they are. There are lots of smart folks working at Sam's and I'm sure that's were they shall stay.

"Now you know, and knowing is half the battle."- GI Joe (cjohn17@comcast.net If you want to take this outside.)

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

Oh great, now we've got a point/counterpoint thing goin' on here....

Blast those infernal Stones! ;)

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Delusions of grandeur: deluded belief that anything that doesn't agree with your ideas is a lie, falshood or misrepresentation of the facts. snyonym: meathead.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Yeah, a factual article from a well respected, legit, major metropolitan newspaper that supports my positions and leaves your paranoid fantasies in tatters is my delusion? Also, Randomatia, check out at the typical reaction of a leftist when confronted with true facts - they hurl an insult. Meathead? Is that some sort of retro "Archie Bunker" aspersion? (Chuckle.)

Now, your next move is to desperately seek out legit news clippings that may back up what you've thrown down. You won't find anything because legitimate sources don't want to ridiculed for silly ideas. You might find an angry Op-Ed, but that's an opinion, not necessarily based on true facts.

BTW. Our soldiers in Iraq found a terrorist's chemical weapons plant in Mosel. The freely elected Iraq parliament is close to finishing a constitution, the first democratic document in the middle-east. Peace through strength. Now, don't you feel silly?

Face it. I. Shut. You. Up... and I didn't even break a sweat.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Please indulge me, Randomatia.

If you enjoyed how I utterly dismantled "Anonymous" check out my blogspot:


Thank you. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your waitress. Oh, and call a cab for Anonymous. She's looking a little under the debate weather ; )

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

I consider the "Anonymous" incident closed. But I got wondering, Randomatia, what would she have done differently?

As you and I talked about before, the left complains loudly about conservative policies. But they never have alternative that hasn't already been tried and failed. Or worse, they complain then offer no ideas. This is the state of the left, whining and temper tantrums.

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, you are pathetic. If you can't formulate an actual arguement and then support it with something other than BS posturing why should I be bothered to talk to you at all? Perhaps if you managed to say something other than squawk, squawk, squawk I might bother to check and see if you've posted, but as it is, why? You haven't come up with a single argument or supporting statement, all you've done is rather tackily attacked me. You don't come off as particularly bright, particularly articulate or particularly informed. So, why should I bother?

What's that old quote... when you trade your liberty for safety you deserve neither?

BS will only take you so far, so good luck reactionary little facist man. You'll need it. As to your sad old "Case closed" trick that you've used to pretend that you've actually said something in our little skrimishes in the past...
this time you are right. I have no time for you. You are too foolish to be taught, or resoned with.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

I heard no thoughts nor reason from you. You lose. You know it. This is why you have nothing new to say.

Bye, bye.


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