Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Back Again

Sorry, it's been several days since my last post.

I went to Oklahoma City to visit my family for Labor Day. As usual, had a great time. The nephews are growing so fast! Sam is already walking, and Austin is well on his way. He can't really stand up by himself yet, but with help he can stand for short periods, and can pull himself up. Also, we have been priveledged to see Sam develop his first anger reaction. What's that, you say? I'll explain. You know how kids react differently to frustration and anger? Well, when Sam gets mad or frustrated, he'll lower his head to the floor and push it along while crying, as if he's walking with his head stuck to the floor, like it's too much of a bother to hold his head up. It's really cute, though it means he'll be a handful. We can all tell he's gonna be into everything. Austin, on the other hand, is content to just look at stuff. Sure, he wants to get into stuff, but he's more laid back. He'll watch you intently when he's interested in what you're doing. I'll be posting a link to the pictures I took while I was there.

Speaking of Nephews, I'll have another one soon. My youngest sister is pregnant with her first child. I was informed this morning that it's a boy!! So now, when someone asks me what kind of cigar I smoke, I can say "It's a boy"s.

p.s. Thank you, Mitch Hedberg, for that cigar joke! R.I.P.


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