Thursday, August 18, 2005

This time she's gone too far

Cindy Sheehan has lost it. Really gone off the deep end. Now she's blaring to Liberal U. (San Fransisco State University) that Bush is the world's biggest terrorist! Honestly, does she not care at all for the millions of oppressed Iraqis? Does she not care about the Kurds who lost their lives mercilessly at the hands of Saddam? Does she not see that these Al Qaeda suicide bombers would kill every last American if they could? Listen lady, the people we are fighting don't give a rat's ass about your dead son. They welcome it. They rejoice in it. They don't care one bit about international laws, they don't treat anyone with respect, and you are dishonoring the memory of your son by lashing out at our own leader, and not the enemy. This is the true purpose of terror: to cause political and physical backlash to our own leadership, to destroy us from within. They are winning the battle every time we blame ourselves and not them. They are the true threat, to freedom, to democracy. They see the American way of life as the threat to the world. If you are so against Bush, why not let them rule their own lands and have our troops back out completely? Why? Exactly the reason we're fighting them. They hate America, they hate democracy. They want to rule as dictators with an iron fist, torturing and killing those who dare to break their laws. We are the greatest threat to their oppression, and the sooner they're stopped, the sooner freedom can stand.

Now as you read all this, be aware that my opinion is just that. My opinion. And no, I cannot even begin to know the pain and suffering that one must endure when their own child is killed. I hopefully will never know that pain. But to suggest that Bush is the true cause of this atrocity, is wrong in my opinion. Every time we blame ourselves, we let the terrorists accomplish their mission. That's why all these car bombings continue to occur. That's why they kill their own people along with ours. They want us to leave the middle east, and take our democracy with them. They don't care about the rest of the world, and don't care about the U.N. The whole oil-for-food scandal is a testament to this.


At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of the poli-sci concept of the "horseshoe effect"? In that, ideologies that are most radically opposed to each other, at opposite ends of the political spectrum, bend toward each other, ending up closer to each other than they are to the moderates in the middle. Just like the ends of a horse shoe.

AKA - while I'm not opposed to much of anything you said above, I do think that it is a little hypocritical to be defending freedom abroad while actively working to oppose it at home. Particularly, when viewed in the light of the strong arm political tactics used by the current administration.

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Oh, look! It's "Anonymous" with more of her black hawk helicopter paranoia.

Exactly, and take your time on this, what "strong arm tactics" are you referring too? And before you list the Patriot Act and related legislation, what are YOUR solutions to keeping Americans safe. You see, I find the left spends a lot of time poo-pooing obvious measures to keep us safe but they have NOTHING to add in the way of new ideas. NOTHING.

Your assignment is not to refer to ANY leftist talking points you might feel inclined to rip-off from the usual web sites. I want YOUR ideas and I want details, not lip service snapshots. I'm very well read, ask Kodiak, so I'll recognize pilfered material. (It's not hard.) But be careful my little Lefty Lemmiwinks, I may have set a trap for you. Step cautiously.

Your challenge is to to come up an idea that would be as successful as the President's record is - no attacks on American soil since 9/11.

Oh, BTW... it looks as though Clinton is going to get the credit he so richly deserves for letting OBL slip thru his fingers. Another example of the leftist leadership without a clue. Even the NYTimes and The Washington Post, left leaning newspapers, cannot ignore the Clinton admin fiasco.

BTW. BTW. I'm sorry you feel I'm "mean". The truth is sometimes hard to swallow when one has been drinking the Leftist Kool-Aid. But the truth will also set you free.

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Good post on the nutjob and newest liberal tool Cindy "It's All About Me" Sheehan.

R-O, I can't find any reference to the "HorseShoe Effect" in political jargon. I know what A-O (A nonym O us) is talking about but I find nothing in Google or Yahoo. I admit, I don't really care. But perhaps it is something she felt the need to make up? There is a axiom about opposing views meeting in the middle on the other side of a circle.

Any who, don't feel bad, R-O, if you've never heard of the term HorseShoe Effect before. It might be a liberal secret handshake, for all I know. Kinda like a Monty Python silly walk ; )

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Along the lines of your Sheehan post, check this out:

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

我的保守性Kung Fu 是強的。"匿名" 拒絕我的挑戰。做我勝者。(My Conservative Kung Fu is strong. "Anonymous" refuses my challenge. Making me the victor.)

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

It appears you have trespassers carrying sandwhich boards.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

So now we've got spam in our comments sections. Sheesh.

At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey look its that freaking jar of nuts who likes to pretend that he has some idea what a classical education is.

Reminder: I blew you off. Don't bother to try to talk to me, you aren't worth my time. Have a good day. :)

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Unfortunately you do not have the courage of your convictions and will not stand up for what you believe in - which, of course, is utterly indefensible. This is why you fail to cobble cohesive thoughts together and debate me.

No matter. I make it my business to confront those who would spout such ridiculous statements. You and your kind will not go unchallenged anymore in this forum or others.

Victory is mine!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

BTW. She again decided to use name calling as a debate technique instead of using her "intellect". Typical of the Left.


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