Sunday, August 14, 2005

Summer Fun

Went to Six Flags yesterday. My sister, her husband, and I took the trip and had a blast, hellish heat and all. I honestly don't remember how long it's been since I've been to Six Flags. I am quite sure it's been more than 10 or 11 years. Maybe more. Not too much has changed, save for the addition of some new rollercoasters and such. The best of the new had to be Mr. Freeze. This of course refers to the character in Joel Schumacher's borefest Batman and Robin movie. This sucker was sweet! You get into your seat, and the entire platform holding the cars moves over to the center and connects with the tracks, and you are launched forward with great speed into the ride, which lasts less than a minute, and at the half way point you are led up to a vertical position, in which you get the feeling of weightlessness, after which you are led back to the beginning of the ride. It's like forward, then backward. I loved it! Second best of the new coasters was the Batman ride, which is an overhead coaster, in which your feet are allowed to dangle freely. That was lots of fun, and a new experience for me. The Texas Titan was another fun coaster, complete with an astoundingly high first drop, which was as scary as ever, though not nearly as scary as the Superman ride, which I did NOT go on. The Superman ride is really just a huge tower that has three legs, each of which holds 16 people that are shot upward at great speed, then allowed to descend in a bungee fashion. No CHANCE I'd go on that thing.

Lines weren't all too long, though a few of them were annoying. At least we weren't unfortunate enough to have to deal with that annoying old man dancer, though we did have to hear his crappy theme song all over the place.

And finally, no summer trip to Six Flags would be complete without the other "sights". Gorgeous women EVERYWHERE!!!! ;)


At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make me laugh, Mr. Kodiak...

You men and you're ogling! Where would the world be without it. Isn't it an official sport now? Like gambling? lol...

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant your, sorry....can't type today


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