Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Under the guise of Medicine

Here's an article from the New York Times regarding medical marijuana. It features a store in San Francisco that sells chocolate infused with marijuana and such items. It is an utter joke, and is clearly not truly in business to help people. Judging from the picture of items made to look like candy bars such as Baby Ruth, Snickers, and Reese's Peanut Butter cups, I see it as nothing more than an excuse to distribute pot to party people. Just look at the picture of the "patrons" that browse the shop. They are college kids who look like they do nothing but party. It disgusts me to see that. Tell me that looks legit to you. Of course, you have to have a doctor's recommendation to get in, but how hard is it to get that? Not very.

You must register with to read the article, but it's free to do so, and I urge you to see it for yourself. That it comes out of San Francisco doesn't surprise me. They'll soon be renaming San Francisco to New Amsterdam.

The Chocolate Factory?


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