Pilgrim's Progress?
Ah, the blind eyes turned to our Nation's founding principles. The audacity of these officials to say that God should not be thanked in Public Schools when referring to our Nation's first Thanksgiving. In this Fox News story, the Maryland public school administrators are flat out denying the fact that this country was founded on Christian principles and not only the acknowledgement of God, but thanks to him as well. To say that the Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving and did NOT thank God is laughable. Why is it that God is mentioned more than just a few times in our very own Constitution, and the many documents that define what our country was founded for, and our first President's very own words at our first Thanksgiving: "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor." state otherwise? Why is it that these public school officials are not reprimanded for diluting our children's view of this Country's founding principles and the real reasons for our official holidays? Why are they continually allowed to mold our children's education to rule out God?? Heaven forbid there should be Ten Commandments in school, or prayer in school, seeing as how they teach good rules and better living. Who knows what our children might do if they were forced to think that it is wrong to kill, steal, covet, or honor their father and mother. Might be offensive, no? Heaven forbid they should know the real DOCUMENTED reason for celebrating Thanksgiving, as stipulated by our founders. These people are blind to the real reasons our Country is going to hell in a handbasket so quickly, and our children are becoming more and more destructive by the minute. Do you think these kids even once stop to think that they might offend someone when they commit crimes??? NO!!! They commit them because they don't have any reason not to. They don't have enough of a conscience to tell them not to. Somehow I get the feeling that thanking God for his many provisions doesn't prompt kids to do bad things. But that's just my opinion.
Fox News Story Here