Thursday, December 02, 2004

Closer than they appear

I watched the made-for-tv movie Duel the other night. It’s been a while. I am very glad it is now out on DVD. This was the directorial debut of a then unknown filmmaker by the name of Steven Spielberg. It’s amazing just how many of his little tells are present in this movie. What do I mean by that? There is always a way to know you’re watching a Spielberg movie. Many of the well known Spielbergian movie moments began life in Duel. Like Jaws, this film deals with a seemingly invincible enemy that never stops its pursuit. An everyman by the name of David Mann (oddly enough) takes a small business trip through the Californian desert and encounters a big rig going very slow. After passing the rig, he finds his deed was somehow the worst decision he ever made, as the driver of this mean-looking rig pursues Mann to no end, endangering his life and that of his measly little red car. Though a little tame by today’s standards, this thriller will make you think twice before you attempt to pass a slow moving rig! During this cat and mouse chase, a shot from David’s point of view shows the big rig in his driver’s side mirror as it closes in behind him. You can see this shot mirrored almost exactly in Jurassic Park, as the Tyrannosaurus chases down the main characters in the Jeep at night, a similarly harrowing experience, albeit a little impossible, seeing as how dinosaurs haven’t been cloned just yet! Also, there were little sound effects that were re-used in Jaws, and other Spielberg pictures.

The picture is superb for a 33 year old movie. The new dts 5.1 sound mix was awesome! I am always amazed at how good an old movie can sound nowadays.

The fun part of seeing old movies today is the many visual treats to be had: goofy outfits, cheesy acting, funny sounding music, and the technology! I am somewhat a collector of old technology. The stereos and telephones of the early seventies are just too cool. Just another part of my personality that makes me so weird. In the words of David Mann: “Don’t tell me I need help!”


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