Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pet Peeves

I had never heard that phrase before the 7th grade. That particular year in my life, I was obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This would be circa 1990. I received nothing but Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(TMNT) presents for my birthday. Give me a break, I was only 13. Anyway, one of these presents was a book about the story of the TMNT movie that was released that year. It had biographies for the individual turtles, and also listed their "Pet Peeves". I stared at it for a minute, completely stumped, yet after reading the entry, I caught on. A Pet Peeve is something that irks you to no end.

That being said, I would like to share with you my personal pet peeve.


I was going to do a load of laundry. Not 2 loads, not 10 loads. ONE LOAD. The laundry room adjacent to my apartment is card based. I have to use my credit card, and a balance of at least $15 is put into the system. Every time I slide my card, the funds are extracted from the $15 balance and is used to power the washers and driers. So here's what happens. I take my ONE LOAD of laundry next door, select a washer, slide my credit card, which happens to have a balance of $1.75 left for laundry, select said washer, and hit "OK". I get a message saying that the washer I've selected is not responding, kindly select another. Every time I do this, the machine resets, and I have to start all over again. So I go through the motion again. Same error message. I end up doing it for every washer in the place... but to no avail. I'm somewhat irked.

I leave in a huff, and consult the map of my apartment complex to find the nearest laundry room. Seeing as how the apt. complex is a good 1,000 units strong, I hop in the car and drive over to the next laundry room. As I carry in my ONE LOAD of laundry, I notice that all the washers and driers are coin operated. Great. I leave a good deal more irked.

I consult my map and drive to the next laundry room. Coin operated. Now I'm cursing (sorry Mom & Dad) and hacking out the wilderness(Smothers Brothers reference) and am fully irked at this point. I drive back to my apartment in a very bad mood, and I throw myself down on the couch to wallow in my own misery.

After I've stewed in anger for an hour or so, I decide to give it one last try. I stomp next door, slide my card, knowing what's coming. Futility. All this unnecessary pain and suffering over ONE LOAD of laundry. Irked to no end.


At 9:24 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

Baby, buy you a nice little washer and dryer and NEVER experience this again. In the long run it's sooo much cheaper and sooo much less hassle, it's more than worth it.

Listen to your mother! ;)


At 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fully agree. One of life's great luxuries is throwing a load of wash in the machine as I head off to bed, then tossing it in the drier when I get up in the morning. By the time I've made breakfast and had my shower, I have fresh, great smelling, toasty warm laundry.

Well worth the price of admission.

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Google HiJacked My Site said...

Can I pet your peeve?

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Kodiak said...

Okay, that's just gross.


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