Randomatia Observatorio
An evergrowing collection of thoughts of a random nature...
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Pride goeth before destruction
The cojones on this guy are massive. Not just physically. This guy is so high and mighty that his eventual fall will be so hard he will shatter into a million pieces. Here at this link he writes an open letter to President Bush inviting him to a screening of his movie in Crawford, Texas, where the movie has not yet played. He seems to think that this is a bad thing, that his movie is not being given a chance, yet Crawford Texas is so small a town that a "documentary" is most likely not ever going to be given a chance, let alone a big summer blockbuster. He taunts President Bush and pokes fun at him, just like he did in his tripe of a movie. I can't stand the ego and "I'm so right" malicious attitude this guy projects. I just can't wait to vote this November. I hope to God that Mr. Bush is re-elected. Michael Moore and John Kerry have made this decision so very easy to make.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
One of the fallen has seen the light
Rejoice! Christians and Republicans alike! One of the evil brothers has come around and seen the error of his ways. Ultra liberal crackpot Alec Baldwin is no doubt fuming over his little brother's new found faith. In God. In George W. Bush also. And it is good! Stephen Baldwin saw the difference Christianity made in his wife's life and he wanted that in his life too. He also saw the good in the Republican Party and its leader. I imagine it will take quite a large event to bring Alec to the good side. The dark side is quicker, easier, more seductive. Though, I am still surprised he has not lived up to his promise of leaving the country if Bush were to ever become president. But that is the way of the liberal: say one thing and not mean it. Change his story to suit his agenda. No integrity, just empty words.
You can read the whole story @ Fox News here.
Let's go to the tape?
Here's something to grit your teeth on. Here we have one of the best champions of the sport ever: Lance Armstrong, who wins the Tour de France an unheard of 6th time in a row, and the french producers don't even capture it on tape?!?!
And they wonder why relations are so low. They wonder why we would buy champagne and french wine and pour it out in protest. The jerk producers who failed to give recognition to this great athlete should be fired and fined and not allowed to cover sports again. Talk about immature sore losers. Sorry, France. You just fell a few more rungs on the great ladder of world relations.
The following text was taken from imdb.com
Bike Race Ends; Where's Winner?
In what today's (Monday) New York Times described as "a foul-up of epic proportion," the Outdoor Life Network, which had carried exclusive live coverage of the Tour de France bicycle race, was unable to show Lance Armstrong crossing the finish line Sunday to win his sixth championship until 25 minutes after the race ended -- and then, only a 10-second clip. Executives of the network blamed French producers, who supplied most of the feed, which OLN augmented. In fact the French feed failed to show Armstrong crossing the finish line at all, and OLN had to rely on one of its own cameraman who was shooting tape. "We had to wait for him to make it to our production truck before we could use it," John Carter, OLN's vice president for production, told the Times.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Required Reading
Here's an article everyone should read. As if celebrities have more rights than you do. What makes them think their rights are being trampled on if others are just exercising their own rights to retaliate? Bah!
Read here...
Mr. Money Man
So, Fahrenheit 9/11 has crossed the 100 Million mark. Isn't that amazing? It only cost 6 million to make and around 15 million to market, and yet it has broken down barriers and become a phenomenon. Amazing, how so much profit can be had on a "documentary" based on lies and foolish conspiracy theories. Wait a minute, this gives me an idea. That this movie made many millions is a good thing. According to the liberal philosophy, I should be entitled to a cut of these profits, along with every other person who is short on money and has to pay more taxes than the super rich. Moore should give me a big paycheck, since I am middle class, not rich, and obviously deserve the same as he does. Just like every other lower to middle class person, we deserve some of that money. Cough it up, Moore!
Friday, July 23, 2004
Hot enough for 'ya?
Well, it is that time of year again. The time my air conditioning craps out and life becomes utterly miserable. For those of you who live up north or anywhere other than Dallas, lucky you. It is so stinking hot here. Last night was a doozy, to. Constant 85 degrees all night. Now, that may not seem like much to you, so add on another 10 degrees and you'll come close to how hot I felt last night. It never fails. No matter which apartment I live in, the air will go limp and the temp in my apt. will rise and rise to notches unknown to mankind!
(Bam!! Thank you food network!)
I have lived in 4 different apartment complexes in the Dallas area and each time, the same thing happened. Weak a/c units need not apply. This is where the big boys play.
I am reminded of a Looney Tunes cartoon in which Yosemite Sam is sent to hell. Whether it was a bomb he was holding, or a fall from 500 feet, I cannot recall. He looks around at all the fire and brimstone and says "Where is this? Dallas?"
He couldn't have been more right.
Been livin' here since late '95 and my opinion of this city still hasn't changed. See if you can guess what it is.
*!&%&$!@%^!$&^^@&*%^#^%@&^*#^#!!!!!!! --that's your first clue ;)
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Roeper's Right...this time
I don't always agree with Richard Roeper. Sometimes it's a movie review. Sometimes it's a political comment. This time, he gets it right. You can read the whole article on his website.
"Meanwhile, some members of the Democratic Party are offended by comments made by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Speaking at a food court in a shopping mall in Ontario, Calif. -- further evidence that being a governor is far more glamorous than being an internationally beloved movie star -- Schwarzenegger said Democrats were responsible for delaying the state budget.
"If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers . . . if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men!' said Arnold, who urged voters to "terminate" Democrats in November.
If you're a California Democrat, you pounce on the governor's remarks. Maybe something like:
"Given that Mr. Schwarzenegger once portrayed the first male to deliver a child in 'Junior,' we're sure he knows all about being a girlie man. But while the governor is quoting an old 'Saturday Night Live' skit, we're working hard to come up with a budget that will serve the people of California."
Instead, they acted like a bunch of girlie men. State Sen. Sheila Kuehl said it was "very troubling that [Schwarzenegger] would use such a homophobic way of trying to put down legislative leadership." Assemblyman Mark Leno said the comment was "misogynist" and "anti-gay." Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez said his 13-year-old daughter was offended.
Oh, come on. The old "SNL" skit wasn't homophobic -- it was a lampoon of two boneheads who overcompensated for their insecurities by mocking everyone in the world as "girlie men." Besides, a lot of Democrats have been taking personal shots at the Bush administration. You can't make jokes about Bush's intelligence level and Cheney's macho posturing -- and then whimper when Arnold makes a couple of "girlie man" jokes."
Monday, July 19, 2004
The look of Determination
This is an old Hollywood staple. Just about every big movie has one. A character usually has a lot of weight thrown down upon them, many things go wrong, and they are pushed to the brink; one final act sets them off, and sparks a fire inside, welling up their courage, anger, and willpower. Then they give it to us: The look of Determination! All we need to know is something's about to go down, and this character is about to kick some butt!!
One of my personal favorites is from The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. Theoden, King of Rohan, has been under an evil spell of the White Wizard, Saruman. He is being kept under this spell by Grima Wormtongue, the King's advisor. King Theoden, this once mighty warrior, has withered away to almost nothing, barely alive and unaware of his surroundings. The great wizard Gandalf the White comes to the hall of the King and releases him from the spell. Slowly he regains his former strength. As he gazes upon his once withered hands, Gandalf says "Your fingers would remember their old strength better...if they grasped your sword.", and the King is presented with his sword. Indeed, his former strength returns to him in full, and as his eyes slowly follow the length of the blade toward the hilt, the expression in his face changes from wonder to kindled anger. He turns his eyes to Grima, who cowers and shudders at the impending wrath of the King! He is hurled out of the King's hall, down a flight of stone steps, as King Theoden follows, sword in hand, prepared to take the life of this deceitful servant of the evil Wizard Saruman.
Now that was one seriously determined look!
A Texas lane change
So I was driving to work this morning, like every morning during the week, travelling on the Dallas North Tollway. The big toll plazas have two lanes designated for those of us who have toll tags, so we don't have to slow down to the booths, and can just drive right through. As I approach the toll booth just north of I635, I stay in the fast lane since I have a toll tag, and am just about to pass through, when suddenly, some cars ahead slow down rather quickly, and I wonder what is happening. Turns out, a woman in the fast lane darts to the right, cutting off several people so she can get to the booths, since she obviously didn't have a toll tag. Now that's what I call a Texas lane change. Go through as many lanes as you can, as fast as you can, cutting off as many motorists as you can. Any farther, and she'd have rammed into the barrier! Now there's a smart move. Risk causing a severe accident so you can pay your toll, when there are numerous signs stating as clear as day that these two lanes are "Toll tag only"!! There's even a big bright orange circle with a big black T on it to help your feeble mind make the decision whether you want to stay in that lane or not. You would have to be either blind or extremely stupid to not see these signs. Personally, I would rather not have either one driving on the busy Dallas highways. We have enough crazy drivers as it is.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
"Please use discretion among public relations..."
So, Eminem wants to create his own "hip hop" uncensored radio station on Sirius satellite radio. I don't know why he thinks he can say absolutely anything he wants at any time. I believe in freedom of speech as much as the next guy, but I am so sick and tired of these punks spreading their filth all over the airwaves. I don't know how bad his childhood was, but it doesn't excuse him from being so low class and foul mouthed. The fact that he is a Grammy winning artist makes the award seem like garbage. Allow me to point you to an episode of the Simpsons where Homer and his barbershop quartet make it big and eventually win a Grammy. Long story short, he gives it away as a tip for the bellboy, but the bellboy is disappointed and tosses it over the balcony, only to have it thrown back up by a man below shouting "Hey! Don't throw your garbage down here!", thus striking Homer in the head and knocking him unconscious.(Long story short...too late.) And this punk Eminem has won more than one Grammy??!! It makes me feel sick. Jackalhead. It makes you wonder why crime is so high among young people and standards of living have just plummeted down like an anchor covered in concrete.
Spreading his filthy virus to the masses
Centigrade 9/11
Here is a nice website pointed to me by a friend. It offers a counter to Michael Moore's UnFahrenheit 9/11 and the unjustified phenomena surrounding it. There is quite a plethora of info to be taken in, and maybe someone out there who has bought in to Moore's lies and truth-bending will come around and see the error of their ways. Don't let this clown sway you! You should know the real truth!!!
Centigrade 9/11
Thursday, July 15, 2004
The Monthly Expenses
So the time has come, to once again stop the insanity! The time has come to sit down, flesh out the monthly expenses, set up a time table, and pay those bills ON TIME!!! There is nothing more annoying than to get bill after bill of "You are past due!" and "We're gonna take your thumbs!" and so on. The calls are a pain in the prat also. I can feel the sting of the recent outsourcing mumbo jumbo, because the person on the other end has such a strong foreign accent that their English is a constant struggle. I swear the last call I received took all my effort just to understand the words that were being spoken to me! If these companies want people to pay their bills, then at least assign someone who is completely understandable to ask for the money! Why can't I have a house that sits above a vast, underground lake which, on the other side, sits a huge vault with stacks of gold coins and piles of cash, all hidden behind a revolving wall which has a secret opening mechanism that only I and a few close friends and family know how to access? Don't forget the super fun happy slide that takes you there! (p.s. I really like that Addams Family movie!)
Monday, July 12, 2004
Words of nonsensical wisdom
I would like to present to you a few words from one of the greatest comedians of our time, Jerry Lewis. These lines were spoken in an old black and white movie called It's Only Money in which he plays a television repair man who ends up in the house of the very man who invented television, a man who Jerry describes as "Mr. Electric, you're him! A bulb with a picture!!!" If you can get your hands on a copy of this movie, or if you are a fan of anything Jerry, I highly recommend picking it up and watching him contort his face in ways only he can as he spits out these lines, which were most likely made up on the spot. Enjoy!
"Were it not for Mr. Albright, do you think it would be possible for us today to enjoy clear, vivid picture viewing? Nay, hence, and get out of there! Mr. Albright created a density lock, visually, so that in the event there was an impaired vision, front and back, you wouldn't apply yourself and get caught with one eye shook off...he locked them, so that the fusion of the electronic cathode tube would advance itself, deteriorate, and then the one look from the one eye would create at least an abundance of sight!"
"...you see, the fine tuner, very rarely will pull out, and you get "pppppbbbbbbb" sound, or the picture wavers. With him locking them you get sound "hhmmmmmm" clear, as opposed to locked, picture, no eyes, straight, and you hear from the locking of the beam so you don't touch...He made the knob so you don't look, and you lay back and see!"
Funny, isn't it, that I typed all that from memory? See, that's what I do, you see, I memorize my favorite lines and sequences from movies, and I bring them up at the most peculiar times; very indicative of my odd sense of humor. I guess you could say that is very Monty Pythonish. I guess you could also say that it makes me very wierd.
Random Thoughts (No Relation)
A good friend of mine pointed me to their website. Another blogspot entry. Blogspot.com seems to be really easy to use as opposed to other blog sites.
This person shares a fondness for expressing their feelings with the use of many words, some of large letterage(don't know if that is a real word or not, but it accurately describes what I want to say, so shut up!), in the style of certain celebrities and/or genres, such as Jeff Goldblum or anything from the Askewniverse(Read: Kevin Smith). Very much an online diary of sorts.
As for the title, I didn't know this person used "Random Thoughts" as a title and I in no way stole it! I swear! Scout's Honor!!
(p.s., I never was a Scout)
You can read these random thoughts here: Random Thoughts
Saturday, July 10, 2004
The Legend Of...**1/2
Just saw the new movie Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy, and I have to say I was not too impressed with it. It is very funny, no doubt, and has its great moments, but as a whole it just wasn't all that. I read the other day a review from someone at the website Ain't It Cool News that it was in the same league as Airplane!, Dr. Strangelove, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, etc. BLASPHEMY!!!!! This in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY is anywhere near these classics, and if you believe it is that good, please, for the good of the world and comedies everywhere, GET YOUR HEAD EXAMINED!!!! I'm not saying the movie isn't funny, but don't dare compare it to anything classic. Sure, this movie will have its heyday, but it will soon be forgotten. The period character that will be around for many years to come is Austin Powers, not Ron Burgundy.
During the end sequence, the narrator explains the future of each main character. He lets us know that the weather man, Brick Tamland(Killer name, BTW), who has the IQ of a brick, quite literally, and unless he is talking about the latest cold front or heat index is completely useless, is said to have gotten married, had lots of kids, and become a key advisor to President Bush.
HAR DEE HAR HAR! Ho Ho, that's rich. Wow, I just can't stop laughing. Wait! I'm not finished "holding my sides". Even a "truth" from a Michael Moore film is funnier than that!
I think I'll see Spider Man 2 again. After watching the first again recently, it makes the sequel that much better. Much less campy, better humor, better villian, better effects, etc.
Friday, July 09, 2004
A wealth of scientific knowlege
I once heard the question: "If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?"
Uh...duh...wha...what kind of rediculous tomfoolery is that?????? How egotistical can you be?? Just because the auditory recepticles connected to your immensly complicated inner auditory structures connected to your philosophically challenged grey matter isn't there to receive and interperet said sound waves, what makes you think there are none produced??? This question is designed to get you to think? To philosophize?
Nay, hence, and get out of there!
You should remember the words of the great comedian Stephen Wright:
"The other day I was walking in the forest and a tree fell down right in front of me,
and I didn't hear it."
That guy is an absolute genius.
Humorous reference #2
The immortal Ted Theodore Logan (a.k.a. The Duke Of Ted):
"All we are, is dust in the wind, Dude."
Getting all "touchy-feely"
The Democratic Ticket: John Kerry/John Edwards is in full swing, hurling their insults and jabs at the Bush Presidency, hoping to swing voters to their side. I think it is funny that a man who marries into millions and a man who siphons millions from Doctors are trying to get "the average American" to vote for them. Heaven forbid you are part of a minority, because here you have two very rich white men saying they care for you and want you to succeed, but what would make you trust these hypocrites? They gloss themselves over to get elected (common practice during campaign time), and hope you let them take care of you, because if you ever took advantage of the opportunities here in America and earn your own living, they would have no power. They want you to believe that only the government can help you survive and that they are the answer to every problem this Country has.
Enough talk. Let's get to the important stuff. Here is a link to a really funny flash animation. It shows the "steamy underbelly" of the new Presidential hopefuls.
Let's get it on...
Kerry/Edwards (Only Publicity?)
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
The Joy Of Government Contracts
Took a trip to OKC, went to visit the family.
Had a great time, many were there, each one meant to show they care.
Ran into a snag on the road, alas. They had us merge to one lane, yes,
but more there is...the best part yet: all on one side of the highway!
This has happened before, during many trips.
They take their time, growing fat off their Government Contracts.
Is it wise to wait 'til holidays to finish the heavily traveled roads?
Or let the motorists pile up in a jam?
They don't care, they're getting paid.
The way there was not so bad, I made good time, as I have before.
The way back was a nightmare, 30 minutes we had to wait to
squeeze our cars through the bottleneck, and low on gas I was at that,
no idea how long my car would last!
No end in sight to the thousand car pile-up;
a semi blocking my view. I had to venture a guess to see
if my car could make it to a gas station. Wee! (That rhymes)
Oh, the joy of Government Contracts!
The state of OK has a history of slow construction, just like every other state.
A certain part of I-35 has been under construction for years uncountable, many more than eight!!!!!
If you think I'm frustrated, you'd be right.
But I will never end the fight...
Until those workers realize, that my tax dollars and many others
are paying their way, so pave those roads, and call it a day!
And the Government should set a finish date,
to get those workers working fast, and not grow fat off their Government Contracts.
Thank You, You've been a wonderful audience.
Be sure to tip your waitress.
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Independence Day

God Bless America

This coming Independence Day should be a lot more important to America. With all these major events occurring throughout the world, independence cannot be taken for granted. We grew up not really realizing how important freedom is and how difficult it is to attain. Many many nations struggle with independence on a daily basis. Iraq is thankfully in the process of becoming free, though it will take some time to be fully rid of the foul residue left behind by the Hussein Regime. May God bless Iraq with a stable Government and freedom for all its peoples. May God bless America, and work in the heart of every citizen to remember the price of Independence and sacrifice. God Bless Our Troops. Have a wonderful holiday! Happy Independence Day.